Discover Hologic's ultrasound system for breast imaging, designed to help increase efficiency and diagnostic accuracy. It offers excellent image quality, innovative imaging modes (ShearWave™ PLUS elastography, TriVu™ imaging, Needle PLUS™ imaging) and ultimate usability.

SuperSonic™ MACH 40 Ultrasound
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Panther Scalable Solutions
Panther Scalable Solutions allows you to expand your testing menu while adding flexibility, capacity and walkaway time. Consolidate your molecular testing today and meet your lab’s growing needs tomorrow.

The ThinPrep® Pap test was the first liquid-based cytology option in cervical cancer screening. In more than two decades, the ThinPrep Pap test has contributed to a significant decline in cervical cancer rates.2
1. Hologic, Inc. Data on File. 2. National Cancer Institute. SEER Stat Fact Sheets: Cervix Uteri Cancer. http://seer.cancer. gov/statfacts/html/cervix.html. Published 2016. Accessed May 25, 2017.

Brevera® Breast Biopsy System with CorLumina®
The world’s first and only solution to combine vacuum-assisted tissue acquisition, real-time imaging, verification and advanced post-biopsy handling –all in one, integrated system.
1. 2015 Kadence International survey of 200 healthcare professionals.

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Our breakthrough breast stabilization system – available only on our Dimensions® family of mammography systems* – delivers a clinically proven, more comfortable patient experience.
* FDA submissions P080003, P080003/S001, P080003/S004, P080003/S005
1. Smith, A. Improving Patient Comfort in Mammography. Hologic WP-00119 Rev 003 (2017).

MyoSure® Tissue Removal System
The MyoSure procedure is simple and efficient, and it can be performed by a doctor in his or her office. The procedure takes between 15-30 minutes to complete – it’s quick!
1. McIlwaine P, McElhinney B, Karthigasu KA, Hart R, A Prospective Study of the Use of the MyoSure Resectoscope to Manage Endometrial Polyps in an Outpatient Setting. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. October 2015.
Important Safety Information: The MyoSure® tissue removal system, consisting of the MyoSure tissue removal devices (LITE, REACH, XL) and MyoSure controller, is intended for hysteroscopic intrauterine procedures by trained gynecologists to resect and remove tissue including submucous myomas, endometrial polyps and retained products of conception. The MyoSure MANUAL tissue removal device is intended for hysteroscopic intrauterine procedures by trained gynecologists to resect and remove tissue. MyoSure products are not appropriate for patients who are or may be pregnant, or are exhibiting pelvic infection, cervical malignancies or previously diagnosed uterine cancer. For more details on risks and benefits of the MyoSure system, MyoSure MANUAL tissue removal device, MyoSure hysteroscope and the Aquilex® fluid control system, please see their respective IFUs.

NovaSure® Endometrial Ablation
To date, over 2.5 million women have been treated with the NovaSure procedure.1 For 77.7% of women, menstrual bleeding is successfully reduced or stopped within one year.2
1. Hologic, Inc. Data on file;2014-2015. 2. NovaSure Instructions for Use.
Important Safety Information: NovaSure® endometrial ablation is for premenopausal women with heavy periods due to benign causes who are finished childbearing. Pregnancy following the NovaSure procedure can be dangerous. The NovaSure procedure is not for those who have or suspect uterine cancer; have an active genital, urinary or pelvic infection; or an IUD. NovaSure endometrial ablation is not a sterilization procedure. Rare but serious risks include, but are not limited to, thermal injury, perforation and infection. Temporary side effects may include cramping, nausea, vomiting, discharge and spotting. Inform patients to contact you if they experience a possible side effect related to use of this product. For detailed benefit and risk information, please consult the IFU.